ਹਰਿ ਦਸਹੁ ਸੰਤਹੁ ਜੀ ਹਰਿ ਖੋਜੁ ਪਵਾਈ ਜੀਉ ॥ |
har dhasahu santhahu jee har khoj pavaaee jeeo || |
Show me the way to the Lord, Dear Saints; I am searching all over for Him. |
ਸਤਿਗੁਰੁ ਤੁਠੜਾ ਦਸੇ ਹਰਿ ਪਾਈ ਜੀਉ ॥ |
sathigur thutharraa dhasae har paaee jeeo || |
The Kind and Compassionate True Guru has shown me the Way, and I have found the Lord. |
ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮੇ ਨਾਮਿ ਸਮਾਈ ਜੀਉ ॥੩॥ |
har naamae naam samaaee jeeo ||3|| |
Through the Name of the Lord, I am absorbed in the Naam. ||3|| |
ਮੈ ਵੇਦਨ ਪ੍ਰੇਮੁ ਹਰਿ ਬਿਰਹੁ ਲਗਾਈ ਜੀਉ ॥ |
mai vaedhan praem har birahu lagaaee jeeo || |
I am consumed with the pain of separation from the Love of the Lord. |
ਗੁਰ ਸਰਧਾ ਪੂਰਿ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤੁ ਮੁਖਿ ਪਾਈ ਜੀਉ ॥ |
gur saradhhaa poor anmrith mukh paaee jeeo || |
The Guru has fulfilled my desire, and I have received the Ambrosial Nectar in my mouth. |
ਹਰਿ ਹੋਹੁ ਦਇਆਲੁ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਧਿਆਈ ਜੀਉ ॥ |
har hohu dhaeiaal har naam dhhiaaee jeeo || |
The Lord has become merciful, and now I meditate on the Name of the Lord. |
ਜਨ ਨਾਨਕ ਹਰਿ ਰਸੁ ਪਾਈ ਜੀਉ ॥੪॥੬॥੨੦॥੧੮॥੩੨॥੭੦॥ |
jan naanak har ras paaee jeeo ||4||6||20||18||32||70|| |
Servant Nanak has obtained the sublime essence of the Lord. ||4||6||20||18||32||70|| |
ਮਹਲਾ ੫ ਰਾਗੁ ਗਉੜੀ ਗੁਆਰੇਰੀ ਚਉਪਦੇ |
mehalaa 5 raag gourree guaaraeree choupadhae |
Fifth Mehl, Raag Gauree Gwaarayree, Chau-Padas: |
ੴ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ॥ |
ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh || |
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: |
ਕਿਨ ਬਿਧਿ ਕੁਸਲੁ ਹੋਤ ਮੇਰੇ ਭਾਈ ॥ |
kin bidhh kusal hoth maerae bhaaee || |
How can happiness be found, O my Siblings of Destiny? |
ਕਿਉ ਪਾਈਐ ਹਰਿ ਰਾਮ ਸਹਾਈ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ |
kio paaeeai har raam sehaaee ||1|| rehaao || |
How can the Lord, our Help and Support, be found? ||1||Pause|| |
ਕੁਸਲੁ ਨ ਗ੍ਰਿਹਿ ਮੇਰੀ ਸਭ ਮਾਇਆ ॥ |
kusal n grihi maeree sabh maaeiaa || |
There is no happiness in owning one's own home, in all of Maya |
ਊਚੇ ਮੰਦਰ ਸੁੰਦਰ ਛਾਇਆ ॥ |
oochae mandhar sundhar shhaaeiaa || |
or in lofty mansions casting beautiful shadows. |
ਹਸਤੀ ਘੋੜੇ ਦੇਖਿ ਵਿਗਾਸਾ ॥ |
hasathee ghorrae dhaekh vigaasaa || |
He is pleased at the sight of his elephants and horses |
ਲਸਕਰ ਜੋੜੇ ਨੇਬ ਖਵਾਸਾ ॥ |
lasakar jorrae naeb khavaasaa || |
and his armies assembled, his servants and his soldiers. |
ਗਲਿ ਜੇਵੜੀ ਹਉਮੈ ਕੇ ਫਾਸਾ ॥੨॥ |
gal jaevarree houmai kae faasaa ||2|| |
But the noose of egotism is tightening around his neck. ||2|| |
ਰਾਜੁ ਕਮਾਵੈ ਦਹ ਦਿਸ ਸਾਰੀ ॥ |
raaj kamaavai dheh dhis saaree || |
His rule may extend in all ten directions; |
ਮਾਣੈ ਰੰਗ ਭੋਗ ਬਹੁ ਨਾਰੀ ॥ |
maanai rang bhog bahu naaree || |
he may revel in pleasures, and enjoy many women |
ਜਿਉ ਨਰਪਤਿ ਸੁਪਨੈ ਭੇਖਾਰੀ ॥੩॥ |
jio narapath supanai bhaekhaaree ||3|| |
- but he is just a beggar, who in his dream, is a king. ||3|| |
ਏਕੁ ਕੁਸਲੁ ਮੋ ਕਉ ਸਤਿਗੁਰੂ ਬਤਾਇਆ ॥ |
eaek kusal mo ko sathiguroo bathaaeiaa || |
The True Guru has shown me that there is only one pleasure. |
ਹਰਿ ਜੋ ਕਿਛੁ ਕਰੇ ਸੁ ਹਰਿ ਕਿਆ ਭਗਤਾ ਭਾਇਆ ॥ |
har jo kishh karae s har kiaa bhagathaa bhaaeiaa || |
Whatever the Lord does, is pleasing to the Lord's devotee. |
ਜਨ ਨਾਨਕ ਹਉਮੈ ਮਾਰਿ ਸਮਾਇਆ ॥੪॥ |
jan naanak houmai maar samaaeiaa ||4|| |
Servant Nanak has abolished his ego, and he is absorbed in the Lord. ||4|| |
ਇਨਿ ਬਿਧਿ ਕੁਸਲ ਹੋਤ ਮੇਰੇ ਭਾਈ ॥ |
ein bidhh kusal hoth maerae bhaaee || |
This is the way to find happiness, O my Siblings of Destiny. |
ਇਉ ਪਾਈਐ ਹਰਿ ਰਾਮ ਸਹਾਈ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ਦੂਜਾ ॥ |
eio paaeeai har raam sehaaee ||1|| rehaao dhoojaa || |
This is the way to find the Lord, our Help and Support. ||1||Second Pause|| |
ਗਉੜੀ ਗੁਆਰੇਰੀ ਮਹਲਾ ੫ ॥ |
gourree guaaraeree mehalaa 5 || |
Gauree Gwaarayree, Fifth Mehl: |
ਕਿਉ ਭ੍ਰਮੀਐ ਭ੍ਰਮੁ ਕਿਸ ਕਾ ਹੋਈ ॥ |
kio bhrameeai bhram kis kaa hoee || |
Why do you doubt? What do you doubt? |
ਜਾ ਜਲਿ ਥਲਿ ਮਹੀਅਲਿ ਰਵਿਆ ਸੋਈ ॥ |
jaa jal thhal meheeal raviaa soee || |
God is pervading the water, the land and the sky. |
ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਉਬਰੇ ਮਨਮੁਖ ਪਤਿ ਖੋਈ ॥੧॥ |
guramukh oubarae manamukh path khoee ||1|| |
The Gurmukhs are saved, while the self-willed manmukhs lose their honor. ||1|| |
ਜਿਸੁ ਰਾਖੈ ਆਪਿ ਰਾਮੁ ਦਇਆਰਾ ॥ |
jis raakhai aap raam dhaeiaaraa || |
One who is protected by the Merciful Lord |
ਤਿਸੁ ਨਹੀ ਦੂਜਾ ਕੋ ਪਹੁਚਨਹਾਰਾ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ |
this nehee dhoojaa ko pahuchanehaaraa ||1|| rehaao || |
- no one else can rival him. ||1||Pause|| |
ਸਭ ਮਹਿ ਵਰਤੈ ਏਕੁ ਅਨੰਤਾ ॥ |
sabh mehi varathai eaek ananthaa || |
The Infinite One is pervading among all. |
ਤਾ ਤੂੰ ਸੁਖਿ ਸੋਉ ਹੋਇ ਅਚਿੰਤਾ ॥ |
thaa thoon sukh soo hoe achinthaa || |
So sleep in peace, and don't worry. |
ਓਹੁ ਸਭੁ ਕਿਛੁ ਜਾਣੈ ਜੋ ਵਰਤੰਤਾ ॥੨॥ |
ouhu sabh kishh jaanai jo varathanthaa ||2|| |
He knows everything which happens. ||2|| |
ਮਨਮੁਖ ਮੁਏ ਜਿਨ ਦੂਜੀ ਪਿਆਸਾ ॥ |
manamukh mueae jin dhoojee piaasaa || |
The self-willed manmukhs are dying in the thirst of duality. |
ਬਹੁ ਜੋਨੀ ਭਵਹਿ ਧੁਰਿ ਕਿਰਤਿ ਲਿਖਿਆਸਾ ॥ |
bahu jonee bhavehi dhhur kirath likhiaasaa || |
They wander lost through countless incarnations; this is their pre-ordained destiny. |
ਜੈਸਾ ਬੀਜਹਿ ਤੈਸਾ ਖਾਸਾ ॥੩॥ |
jaisaa beejehi thaisaa khaasaa ||3|| |
As they plant, so shall they harvest. ||3|| |
ਦੇਖਿ ਦਰਸੁ ਮਨਿ ਭਇਆ ਵਿਗਾਸਾ ॥ |
dhaekh dharas man bhaeiaa vigaasaa || |
Beholding the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan, my mind has blossomed forth. |
ਸਭੁ ਨਦਰੀ ਆਇਆ ਬ੍ਰਹਮੁ ਪਰਗਾਸਾ ॥ |
sabh nadharee aaeiaa breham paragaasaa || |
And now everywhere I look, God is revealed to me. |
ਜਨ ਨਾਨਕ ਕੀ ਹਰਿ ਪੂਰਨ ਆਸਾ ॥੪॥੨॥੭੧॥ |
jan naanak kee har pooran aasaa ||4||2||71|| |
Servant Nanak's hopes have been fulfilled by the Lord. ||4||2||71|| |
ਗਉੜੀ ਗੁਆਰੇਰੀ ਮਹਲਾ ੫ ॥ |
gourree guaaraeree mehalaa 5 || |
Gauree Gwaarayree, Fifth Mehl: |
ਕਈ ਜਨਮ ਭਏ ਕੀਟ ਪਤੰਗਾ ॥ |
kee janam bheae keett pathangaa || |
In so many incarnations, you were a worm and an insect; |
ਕਈ ਜਨਮ ਗਜ ਮੀਨ ਕੁਰੰਗਾ ॥ |
kee janam gaj meen kurangaa || |
in so many incarnations, you were an elephant, a fish and a deer. |
ਕਈ ਜਨਮ ਪੰਖੀ ਸਰਪ ਹੋਇਓ ॥ |
kee janam pankhee sarap hoeiou || |
In so many incarnations, you were a bird and a snake. |
ਕਈ ਜਨਮ ਹੈਵਰ ਬ੍ਰਿਖ ਜੋਇਓ ॥੧॥ |
kee janam haivar brikh joeiou ||1|| |
In so many incarnations, you were yoked as an ox and a horse. ||1|| |
ਮਿਲੁ ਜਗਦੀਸ ਮਿਲਨ ਕੀ ਬਰੀਆ ॥ |
mil jagadhees milan kee bareeaa || |
Meet the Lord of the Universe - now is the time to meet Him. |
ਚਿਰੰਕਾਲ ਇਹ ਦੇਹ ਸੰਜਰੀਆ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ |
chirankaal eih dhaeh sanjareeaa ||1|| rehaao || |
After so very long, this human body was fashioned for you. ||1||Pause|| |
ਕਈ ਜਨਮ ਸੈਲ ਗਿਰਿ ਕਰਿਆ ॥ |
kee janam sail gir kariaa || |
In so many incarnations, you were rocks and mountains; |
ਕਈ ਜਨਮ ਗਰਭ ਹਿਰਿ ਖਰਿਆ ॥ |
kee janam garabh hir khariaa || |
in so many incarnations, you were aborted in the womb; |
ਕਈ ਜਨਮ ਸਾਖ ਕਰਿ ਉਪਾਇਆ ॥ |
kee janam saakh kar oupaaeiaa || |
in so many incarnations, you developed branches and leaves; |
ਲਖ ਚਉਰਾਸੀਹ ਜੋਨਿ ਭ੍ਰਮਾਇਆ ॥੨॥ |
lakh chouraaseeh jon bhramaaeiaa ||2|| |
you wandered through 8.4 million incarnations. ||2|| |