ਅਵਰੀ ਨੋ ਸਮਝਾਵਣਿ ਜਾਇ ॥ |
avaree no samajhaavan jaae || |
And yet, they go out to teach others. |
ਮੁਠਾ ਆਪਿ ਮੁਹਾਏ ਸਾਥੈ ॥ |
muthaa aap muhaaeae saathhai || |
They are deceived, and they deceive their companions. |
ਨਾਨਕ ਐਸਾ ਆਗੂ ਜਾਪੈ ॥੧॥ |
naanak aisaa aagoo jaapai ||1|| |
O Nanak, such are the leaders of men. ||1|| |
ਮਹਲਾ ੪ ॥ |
mehalaa 4 || |
Fourth Mehl: |
ਜਿਸ ਦੈ ਅੰਦਰਿ ਸਚੁ ਹੈ ਸੋ ਸਚਾ ਨਾਮੁ ਮੁਖਿ ਸਚੁ ਅਲਾਏ ॥ |
jis dhai andhar sach hai so sachaa naam mukh sach alaaeae || |
Those, within whom the Truth dwells, obtain the True Name; they speak only the Truth. |
ਓਹੁ ਹਰਿ ਮਾਰਗਿ ਆਪਿ ਚਲਦਾ ਹੋਰਨਾ ਨੋ ਹਰਿ ਮਾਰਗਿ ਪਾਏ ॥ |
ouhu har maarag aap chaladhaa horanaa no har maarag paaeae || |
They walk on the Lord's Path, and inspire others to walk on the Lord's Path as well. |
ਜੇ ਅਗੈ ਤੀਰਥੁ ਹੋਇ ਤਾ ਮਲੁ ਲਹੈ ਛਪੜਿ ਨਾਤੈ ਸਗਵੀ ਮਲੁ ਲਾਏ ॥ |
jae agai theerathh hoe thaa mal lehai shhaparr naathai sagavee mal laaeae || |
Bathing in a pool of holy water, they are washed clean of filth. But, by bathing in a stagnant pond, they are contaminated with even more filth. |
ਤੀਰਥੁ ਪੂਰਾ ਸਤਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੋ ਅਨਦਿਨੁ ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਧਿਆਏ ॥ |
theerathh pooraa sathiguroo jo anadhin har har naam dhhiaaeae || |
The True Guru is the Perfect Pool of Holy Water. Night and day, He meditates on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. |
ਓਹੁ ਆਪਿ ਛੁਟਾ ਕੁਟੰਬ ਸਿਉ ਦੇ ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਸਭ ਸ੍ਰਿਸਟਿ ਛਡਾਏ ॥ |
ouhu aap shhuttaa kuttanb sio dhae har har naam sabh srisatt shhaddaaeae || |
He is saved, along with his family; bestowing the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, He saves the whole world. |
ਜਨ ਨਾਨਕ ਤਿਸੁ ਬਲਿਹਾਰਣੈ ਜੋ ਆਪਿ ਜਪੈ ਅਵਰਾ ਨਾਮੁ ਜਪਾਏ ॥੨॥ |
jan naanak this balihaaranai jo aap japai avaraa naam japaaeae ||2|| |
Servant Nanak is a sacrifice to one who himself chants the Naam, and inspires others to chant it as well. ||2|| |
ਪਉੜੀ ॥ |
pourree || |
Pauree: |
ਇਕਿ ਕੰਦ ਮੂਲੁ ਚੁਣਿ ਖਾਹਿ ਵਣ ਖੰਡਿ ਵਾਸਾ ॥ |
eik kandh mool chun khaahi van khandd vaasaa || |
Some pick and eat fruits and roots, and live in the wilderness. |
ਇਕਿ ਭਗਵਾ ਵੇਸੁ ਕਰਿ ਫਿਰਹਿ ਜੋਗੀ ਸੰਨਿਆਸਾ ॥ |
eik bhagavaa vaes kar firehi jogee sanniaasaa || |
Some wander around wearing saffron robes, as Yogis and Sanyaasees. |
ਅੰਦਰਿ ਤ੍ਰਿਸਨਾ ਬਹੁਤੁ ਛਾਦਨ ਭੋਜਨ ਕੀ ਆਸਾ ॥ |
andhar thrisanaa bahuth shhaadhan bhojan kee aasaa || |
But there is still so much desire within them-they still yearn for clothes and food. |
ਬਿਰਥਾ ਜਨਮੁ ਗਵਾਇ ਨ ਗਿਰਹੀ ਨ ਉਦਾਸਾ ॥ |
birathhaa janam gavaae n girehee n oudhaasaa || |
They waste their lives uselessly; they are neither householders nor renunciates. |
ਜਮਕਾਲੁ ਸਿਰਹੁ ਨ ਉਤਰੈ ਤ੍ਰਿਬਿਧਿ ਮਨਸਾ ॥ |
jamakaal sirahu n outharai thribidhh manasaa || |
The Messenger of Death hangs over their heads, and they cannot escape the three-phased desire. |
ਗੁਰਮਤੀ ਕਾਲੁ ਨ ਆਵੈ ਨੇੜੈ ਜਾ ਹੋਵੈ ਦਾਸਨਿ ਦਾਸਾ ॥ |
guramathee kaal n aavai naerrai jaa hovai dhaasan dhaasaa || |
Death does not even approach those who follow the Guru's Teachings, and become the slaves of the Lord's slaves. |
ਸਚਾ ਸਬਦੁ ਸਚੁ ਮਨਿ ਘਰ ਹੀ ਮਾਹਿ ਉਦਾਸਾ ॥ |
sachaa sabadh sach man ghar hee maahi oudhaasaa || |
The True Word of the Shabad abides in their true minds; within the home of their own inner beings, they remain detached. |
ਨਾਨਕ ਸਤਿਗੁਰੁ ਸੇਵਨਿ ਆਪਣਾ ਸੇ ਆਸਾ ਤੇ ਨਿਰਾਸਾ ॥੫॥ |
naanak sathigur saevan aapanaa sae aasaa thae niraasaa ||5|| |
O Nanak, those who serve their True Guru, rise from desire to desirelessness. ||5|| |
ਸਲੋਕੁ ਮਃ ੧ ॥ |
salok ma 1 || |
Shalok, First Mehl: |
ਜੇ ਰਤੁ ਲਗੈ ਕਪੜੈ ਜਾਮਾ ਹੋਇ ਪਲੀਤੁ ॥ |
jae rath lagai kaparrai jaamaa hoe paleeth || |
If one's clothes are stained with blood, the garment becomes polluted. |
ਜੋ ਰਤੁ ਪੀਵਹਿ ਮਾਣਸਾ ਤਿਨ ਕਿਉ ਨਿਰਮਲੁ ਚੀਤੁ ॥ |
jo rath peevehi maanasaa thin kio niramal cheeth || |
Those who suck the blood of human beings-how can their consciousness be pure? |
ਨਾਨਕ ਨਾਉ ਖੁਦਾਇ ਕਾ ਦਿਲਿ ਹਛੈ ਮੁਖਿ ਲੇਹੁ ॥ |
naanak naao khudhaae kaa dhil hashhai mukh laehu || |
O Nanak, chant the Name of God, with heart-felt devotion. |
ਅਵਰਿ ਦਿਵਾਜੇ ਦੁਨੀ ਕੇ ਝੂਠੇ ਅਮਲ ਕਰੇਹੁ ॥੧॥ |
avar dhivaajae dhunee kae jhoothae amal karaehu ||1|| |
Everything else is just a pompous worldly show, and the practice of false deeds. ||1|| |
ਮਃ ੧ ॥ |
ma 1 || |
First Mehl: |
ਜਾ ਹਉ ਨਾਹੀ ਤਾ ਕਿਆ ਆਖਾ ਕਿਹੁ ਨਾਹੀ ਕਿਆ ਹੋਵਾ ॥ |
jaa ho naahee thaa kiaa aakhaa kihu naahee kiaa hovaa || |
Since I am no one, what can I say? Since I am nothing, what can I be? |
ਕੀਤਾ ਕਰਣਾ ਕਹਿਆ ਕਥਨਾ ਭਰਿਆ ਭਰਿ ਭਰਿ ਧੋਵਾਂ ॥ |
keethaa karanaa kehiaa kathhanaa bhariaa bhar bhar dhhovaan || |
As He created me, so I act. As He causes me to speak, so I speak. I am full and overflowing with sins-if only I could wash them away! |
ਆਪਿ ਨ ਬੁਝਾ ਲੋਕ ਬੁਝਾਈ ਐਸਾ ਆਗੂ ਹੋਵਾਂ ॥ |
aap n bujhaa lok bujhaaee aisaa aagoo hovaan || |
I do not understand myself, and yet I try to teach others. Such is the guide I am! |
ਨਾਨਕ ਅੰਧਾ ਹੋਇ ਕੈ ਦਸੇ ਰਾਹੈ ਸਭਸੁ ਮੁਹਾਏ ਸਾਥੈ ॥ |
naanak andhhaa hoe kai dhasae raahai sabhas muhaaeae saathhai || |
O Nanak, the one who is blind shows others the way, and misleads all his companions. |
ਅਗੈ ਗਇਆ ਮੁਹੇ ਮੁਹਿ ਪਾਹਿ ਸੁ ਐਸਾ ਆਗੂ ਜਾਪੈ ॥੨॥ |
agai gaeiaa muhae muhi paahi s aisaa aagoo jaapai ||2|| |
But, going to the world hereafter, he shall be beaten and kicked in the face; then, it will be obvious, what sort of guide he was! ||2|| |
ਪਉੜੀ ॥ |
pourree || |
Pauree: |
ਮਾਹਾ ਰੁਤੀ ਸਭ ਤੂੰ ਘੜੀ ਮੂਰਤ ਵੀਚਾਰਾ ॥ |
maahaa ruthee sabh thoon gharree moorath veechaaraa || |
Through all the months and the seasons, the minutes and the hours, I dwell upon You, O Lord. |
ਤੂੰ ਗਣਤੈ ਕਿਨੈ ਨ ਪਾਇਓ ਸਚੇ ਅਲਖ ਅਪਾਰਾ ॥ |
thoon ganathai kinai n paaeiou sachae alakh apaaraa || |
No one has attained You by clever calculations, O True, Unseen and Infinite Lord. |
ਪੜਿਆ ਮੂਰਖੁ ਆਖੀਐ ਜਿਸੁ ਲਬੁ ਲੋਭੁ ਅਹੰਕਾਰਾ ॥ |
parriaa moorakh aakheeai jis lab lobh ahankaaraa || |
That scholar who is full of greed, arrogant pride and egotism, is known to be a fool. |
ਨਾਉ ਪੜੀਐ ਨਾਉ ਬੁਝੀਐ ਗੁਰਮਤੀ ਵੀਚਾਰਾ ॥ |
naao parreeai naao bujheeai guramathee veechaaraa || |
So read the Name, and realize the Name, and contemplate the Guru's Teachings. |
ਗੁਰਮਤੀ ਨਾਮੁ ਧਨੁ ਖਟਿਆ ਭਗਤੀ ਭਰੇ ਭੰਡਾਰਾ ॥ |
guramathee naam dhhan khattiaa bhagathee bharae bhanddaaraa || |
Through the Guru's Teachings, I have earned the wealth of the Naam; I possess the storehouses, overflowing with devotion to the Lord. |
ਨਿਰਮਲੁ ਨਾਮੁ ਮੰਨਿਆ ਦਰਿ ਸਚੈ ਸਚਿਆਰਾ ॥ |
niramal naam manniaa dhar sachai sachiaaraa || |
Believing in the Immaculate Naam, one is hailed as true, in the True Court of the Lord. |
ਜਿਸ ਦਾ ਜੀਉ ਪਰਾਣੁ ਹੈ ਅੰਤਰਿ ਜੋਤਿ ਅਪਾਰਾ ॥ |
jis dhaa jeeo paraan hai anthar joth apaaraa || |
The Divine Light of the Infinite Lord, who owns the soul and the breath of life, is deep within the inner being. |
ਸਚਾ ਸਾਹੁ ਇਕੁ ਤੂੰ ਹੋਰੁ ਜਗਤੁ ਵਣਜਾਰਾ ॥੬॥ |
sachaa saahu eik thoon hor jagath vanajaaraa ||6|| |
You alone are the True Banker, O Lord; the rest of the world is just Your petty trader. ||6|| |
ਸਲੋਕੁ ਮਃ ੧ ॥ |
salok ma 1 || |
Shalok, First Mehl: |
ਮਿਹਰ ਮਸੀਤਿ ਸਿਦਕੁ ਮੁਸਲਾ ਹਕੁ ਹਲਾਲੁ ਕੁਰਾਣੁ ॥ |
mihar maseeth sidhak musalaa hak halaal kuraan || |
Let mercy be your mosque, faith your prayer-mat, and honest living your Koran. |
ਸਰਮ ਸੁੰਨਤਿ ਸੀਲੁ ਰੋਜਾ ਹੋਹੁ ਮੁਸਲਮਾਣੁ ॥ |
saram sunnath seel rojaa hohu musalamaan || |
Make modesty your circumcision, and good conduct your fast. In this way, you shall be a true Muslim. |
ਕਰਣੀ ਕਾਬਾ ਸਚੁ ਪੀਰੁ ਕਲਮਾ ਕਰਮ ਨਿਵਾਜ ॥ |
karanee kaabaa sach peer kalamaa karam nivaaj || |
Let good conduct be your Kaabaa, Truth your spiritual guide, and the karma of good deeds your prayer and chant. |
ਤਸਬੀ ਸਾ ਤਿਸੁ ਭਾਵਸੀ ਨਾਨਕ ਰਖੈ ਲਾਜ ॥੧॥ |
thasabee saa this bhaavasee naanak rakhai laaj ||1|| |
Let your rosary be that which is pleasing to His Will. O Nanak, God shall preserve your honor. ||1|| |