ਕਲਿਜੁਗੁ ਹਰਿ ਕੀਆ ਪਗ ਤ੍ਰੈ ਖਿਸਕੀਆ ਪਗੁ ਚਉਥਾ ਟਿਕੈ ਟਿਕਾਇ ਜੀਉ ॥ |
kalijug har keeaa pag thrai khisakeeaa pag chouthhaa ttikai ttikaae jeeo || |
The Lord ushered in the Dark Age, the Iron Age of Kali Yuga; three legs of religion were lost, and only the fourth leg remained intact. |
ਗੁਰ ਸਬਦੁ ਕਮਾਇਆ ਅਉਖਧੁ ਹਰਿ ਪਾਇਆ ਹਰਿ ਕੀਰਤਿ ਹਰਿ ਸਾਂਤਿ ਪਾਇ ਜੀਉ ॥ |
gur sabadh kamaaeiaa aoukhadhh har paaeiaa har keerath har saanth paae jeeo || |
Acting in accordance with the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the medicine of the Lord's Name is obtained. Singing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises, divine peace is obtained. |
ਹਰਿ ਕੀਰਤਿ ਰੁਤਿ ਆਈ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਵਡਾਈ ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਖੇਤੁ ਜਮਾਇਆ ॥ |
har keerath ruth aaee har naam vaddaaee har har naam khaeth jamaaeiaa || |
The season of singing the Lord's Praise has arrived; the Lord's Name is glorified, and the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, grows in the field of the body. |
ਕਲਿਜੁਗਿ ਬੀਜੁ ਬੀਜੇ ਬਿਨੁ ਨਾਵੈ ਸਭੁ ਲਾਹਾ ਮੂਲੁ ਗਵਾਇਆ ॥ |
kalijug beej beejae bin naavai sabh laahaa mool gavaaeiaa || |
In the Dark Age of Kali Yuga, if one plants any other seed than the Name, all profit and capital is lost. |
ਜਨ ਨਾਨਕਿ ਗੁਰੁ ਪੂਰਾ ਪਾਇਆ ਮਨਿ ਹਿਰਦੈ ਨਾਮੁ ਲਖਾਇ ਜੀਉ ॥ |
jan naanak gur pooraa paaeiaa man hiradhai naam lakhaae jeeo || |
Servant Nanak has found the Perfect Guru, who has revealed to him the Naam within his heart and mind. |
ਕਲਜੁਗੁ ਹਰਿ ਕੀਆ ਪਗ ਤ੍ਰੈ ਖਿਸਕੀਆ ਪਗੁ ਚਉਥਾ ਟਿਕੈ ਟਿਕਾਇ ਜੀਉ ॥੪॥੪॥੧੧॥ |
kalajug har keeaa pag thrai khisakeeaa pag chouthhaa ttikai ttikaae jeeo ||4||4||11|| |
The Lord ushered in the Dark Age, the Iron Age of Kali Yuga; three legs of religion were lost, and only the fourth leg remained intact. ||4||4||11|| |
ਆਸਾ ਮਹਲਾ ੪ ॥ |
aasaa mehalaa 4 || |
Aasaa, Fourth Mehl: |
ਹਰਿ ਕੀਰਤਿ ਮਨਿ ਭਾਈ ਪਰਮ ਗਤਿ ਪਾਈ ਹਰਿ ਮਨਿ ਤਨਿ ਮੀਠ ਲਗਾਨ ਜੀਉ ॥ |
har keerath man bhaaee param gath paaee har man than meeth lagaan jeeo || |
One whose mind is pleased with the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises, attains the supreme status; the Lord seems so sweet to her mind and body. |
ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਰਸੁ ਪਾਇਆ ਗੁਰਮਤਿ ਹਰਿ ਧਿਆਇਆ ਧੁਰਿ ਮਸਤਕਿ ਭਾਗ ਪੁਰਾਨ ਜੀਉ ॥ |
har har ras paaeiaa guramath har dhhiaaeiaa dhhur masathak bhaag puraan jeeo || |
She obtains the sublime essence of the Lord, Har, Har; through the Guru's Teachings, she meditates on the Lord, and the destiny written on her forehead is fulfilled. |
ਧੁਰਿ ਮਸਤਕਿ ਭਾਗੁ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮਿ ਸੁਹਾਗੁ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮੈ ਹਰਿ ਗੁਣ ਗਾਇਆ ॥ |
dhhur masathak bhaag har naam suhaag har naamai har gun gaaeiaa || |
By that high destiny written on her forehead, she chants the Name of the Lord, her Husband, and through the Name of the Lord, she sings the Lord's Glorious Praises. |
ਮਸਤਕਿ ਮਣੀ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਿ ਬਹੁ ਪ੍ਰਗਟੀ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮੈ ਹਰਿ ਸੋਹਾਇਆ ॥ |
masathak manee preeth bahu pragattee har naamai har sohaaeiaa || |
The jewel of immense love sparkles on her forehead, and she is adorned with the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. |
ਜੋਤੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਮਿਲੀ ਪ੍ਰਭੁ ਪਾਇਆ ਮਿਲਿ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਮਨੂਆ ਮਾਨ ਜੀਉ ॥ |
jothee joth milee prabh paaeiaa mil sathigur manooaa maan jeeo || |
Her light blends with the Supreme Light, and she obtains God; meeting the True Guru, her mind is satisfied. |
ਹਰਿ ਕੀਰਤਿ ਮਨਿ ਭਾਈ ਪਰਮ ਗਤਿ ਪਾਈ ਹਰਿ ਮਨਿ ਤਨਿ ਮੀਠ ਲਗਾਨ ਜੀਉ ॥੧॥ |
har keerath man bhaaee param gath paaee har man than meeth lagaan jeeo ||1|| |
One whose mind is pleased with the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises, attains the supreme status; the Lord seems sweet to her mind and body. ||1|| |
ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਜਸੁ ਗਾਇਆ ਪਰਮ ਪਦੁ ਪਾਇਆ ਤੇ ਊਤਮ ਜਨ ਪਰਧਾਨ ਜੀਉ ॥ |
har har jas gaaeiaa param padh paaeiaa thae ootham jan paradhhaan jeeo || |
Those who sing the Praises of the Lord, Har, Har, obtain the supreme status; they are the most exalted and acclaimed people. |
ਤਿਨ੍ਹ੍ਹ ਹਮ ਚਰਣ ਸਰੇਵਹ ਖਿਨੁ ਖਿਨੁ ਪਗ ਧੋਵਹ ਜਿਨ ਹਰਿ ਮੀਠ ਲਗਾਨ ਜੀਉ ॥ |
thinh ham charan saraeveh khin khin pag dhhoveh jin har meeth lagaan jeeo || |
I bow at their feet; each and every moment, I wash the feet of those, unto whom the Lord seems sweet. |
ਹਰਿ ਮੀਠਾ ਲਾਇਆ ਪਰਮ ਸੁਖ ਪਾਇਆ ਮੁਖਿ ਭਾਗਾ ਰਤੀ ਚਾਰੇ ॥ |
har meethaa laaeiaa param sukh paaeiaa mukh bhaagaa rathee chaarae || |
The Lord seems sweet to them, and they obtain the supreme status; their faces are radiant and beautiful with good fortune. |
ਗੁਰਮਤਿ ਹਰਿ ਗਾਇਆ ਹਰਿ ਹਾਰੁ ਉਰਿ ਪਾਇਆ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮਾ ਕੰਠਿ ਧਾਰੇ ॥ |
guramath har gaaeiaa har haar our paaeiaa har naamaa kanth dhhaarae || |
Under Guru's Instruction, they sing the Lord's Name, and wear the garland of the Lord's Name around their necks; they keep the Lord's Name in their throats. |
ਸਭ ਏਕ ਦ੍ਰਿਸਟਿ ਸਮਤੁ ਕਰਿ ਦੇਖੈ ਸਭੁ ਆਤਮ ਰਾਮੁ ਪਛਾਨ ਜੀਉ ॥ |
sabh eaek dhrisatt samath kar dhaekhai sabh aatham raam pashhaan jeeo || |
They look upon all with equality, and recognize the Supreme Soul, the Lord, pervading among all. |
ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਜਸੁ ਗਾਇਆ ਪਰਮ ਪਦੁ ਪਾਇਆ ਤੇ ਊਤਮ ਜਨ ਪਰਧਾਨ ਜੀਉ ॥੨॥ |
har har jas gaaeiaa param padh paaeiaa thae ootham jan paradhhaan jeeo ||2|| |
Those who sing the Praises of the Lord, Har, Har, obtain the supreme status; they are the most exalted and acclaimed people. ||2|| |
ਸਤਸੰਗਤਿ ਮਨਿ ਭਾਈ ਹਰਿ ਰਸਨ ਰਸਾਈ ਵਿਚਿ ਸੰਗਤਿ ਹਰਿ ਰਸੁ ਹੋਇ ਜੀਉ ॥ |
sathasangath man bhaaee har rasan rasaaee vich sangath har ras hoe jeeo || |
One whose mind is pleased with the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, savors the sublime essence of the Lord; in the Sangat, is this essence of the Lord. |
ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਆਰਾਧਿਆ ਗੁਰ ਸਬਦਿ ਵਿਗਾਸਿਆ ਬੀਜਾ ਅਵਰੁ ਨ ਕੋਇ ਜੀਉ ॥ |
har har aaraadhhiaa gur sabadh vigaasiaa beejaa avar n koe jeeo || |
He meditates in adoration upon the Lord, Har, Har, and through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, he blossoms forth. He plants no other seed. |
ਅਵਰੁ ਨ ਕੋਇ ਹਰਿ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤੁ ਸੋਇ ਜਿਨਿ ਪੀਆ ਸੋ ਬਿਧਿ ਜਾਣੈ ॥ |
avar n koe har anmrith soe jin peeaa so bidhh jaanai || |
There is no Nectar, other than the Lord's Ambrosial Nectar. One who drinks it in, knows the way. |
ਧਨੁ ਧੰਨੁ ਗੁਰੂ ਪੂਰਾ ਪ੍ਰਭੁ ਪਾਇਆ ਲਗਿ ਸੰਗਤਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਪਛਾਣੈ ॥ |
dhhan dhhann guroo pooraa prabh paaeiaa lag sangath naam pashhaanai || |
Hail, hail to the Perfect Guru; through Him, God is found. Joining the Sangat, the Naam is understood. |
ਨਾਮੋ ਸੇਵਿ ਨਾਮੋ ਆਰਾਧੈ ਬਿਨੁ ਨਾਮੈ ਅਵਰੁ ਨ ਕੋਇ ਜੀਉ ॥ |
naamo saev naamo aaraadhhai bin naamai avar n koe jeeo || |
I serve the Naam, and I meditate on the Naam. Without the Naam, there is no other at all. |
ਸਤਸੰਗਤਿ ਮਨਿ ਭਾਈ ਹਰਿ ਰਸਨ ਰਸਾਈ ਵਿਚਿ ਸੰਗਤਿ ਹਰਿ ਰਸੁ ਹੋਇ ਜੀਉ ॥੩॥ |
sathasangath man bhaaee har rasan rasaaee vich sangath har ras hoe jeeo ||3|| |
One whose mind is pleased with the Sat Sangat, savors the sublime essence of the Lord; in the Sangat, is this essence of the Lord. ||3|| |
ਹਰਿ ਦਇਆ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਧਾਰਹੁ ਪਾਖਣ ਹਮ ਤਾਰਹੁ ਕਢਿ ਲੇਵਹੁ ਸਬਦਿ ਸੁਭਾਇ ਜੀਉ ॥ |
har dhaeiaa prabh dhhaarahu paakhan ham thaarahu kadt laevahu sabadh subhaae jeeo || |
O Lord God, shower Your Mercy upon me; I am just a stone. Please, carry me across, and lift me up with ease, through the Word of the Shabad. |
ਮੋਹ ਚੀਕੜਿ ਫਾਥੇ ਨਿਘਰਤ ਹਮ ਜਾਤੇ ਹਰਿ ਬਾਂਹ ਪ੍ਰਭੂ ਪਕਰਾਇ ਜੀਉ ॥ |
moh cheekarr faathhae nigharath ham jaathae har baanh prabhoo pakaraae jeeo || |
I am stuck in the swamp of emotional attachment, and I am sinking. O Lord God, please, take me by the arm. |
ਪ੍ਰਭਿ ਬਾਂਹ ਪਕਰਾਈ ਊਤਮ ਮਤਿ ਪਾਈ ਗੁਰ ਚਰਣੀ ਜਨੁ ਲਾਗਾ ॥ |
prabh baanh pakaraaee ootham math paaee gur charanee jan laagaa || |
God took me by the arm, and I obtained the highest understanding; as His slave, I grasped the Guru's feet. |