ਸਭੁ ਜਗੁ ਕਾਜਲ ਕੋਠੜੀ ਤਨੁ ਮਨੁ ਦੇਹ ਸੁਆਹਿ ॥ |
sabh jag kaajal kotharree than man dhaeh suaahi || |
The whole world is a store-house of lamp-black; the body and mind are blackened with it. |
ਗੁਰਿ ਰਾਖੇ ਸੇ ਨਿਰਮਲੇ ਸਬਦਿ ਨਿਵਾਰੀ ਭਾਹਿ ॥੭॥ |
gur raakhae sae niramalae sabadh nivaaree bhaahi ||7|| |
Those who are saved by the Guru are immaculate and pure; through the Word of the Shabad, they extinguish the fire of desire. ||7|| |
ਨਾਨਕ ਤਰੀਐ ਸਚਿ ਨਾਮਿ ਸਿਰਿ ਸਾਹਾ ਪਾਤਿਸਾਹੁ ॥ |
naanak thareeai sach naam sir saahaa paathisaahu || |
O Nanak, they swim across with the True Name of the Lord, the King above the heads of kings. |
ਮੈ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਨ ਵੀਸਰੈ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਰਤਨੁ ਵੇਸਾਹੁ ॥ |
mai har naam n veesarai har naam rathan vaesaahu || |
May I never forget the Name of the Lord! I have purchased the Jewel of the Lord's Name. |
ਮਨਮੁਖ ਭਉਜਲਿ ਪਚਿ ਮੁਏ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਤਰੇ ਅਥਾਹੁ ॥੮॥੧੬॥ |
manamukh bhoujal pach mueae guramukh tharae athhaahu ||8||16|| |
The self-willed manmukhs putrefy and die in the terrifying world-ocean, while the Gurmukhs cross over the bottomless ocean. ||8||16|| |
ਸਿਰੀਰਾਗੁ ਮਹਲਾ ੧ ਘਰੁ ੨ ॥ |
sireeraag mehalaa 1 ghar 2 || |
Siree Raag, First Mehl, Second House: |
ਮੁਕਾਮੁ ਕਰਿ ਘਰਿ ਬੈਸਣਾ ਨਿਤ ਚਲਣੈ ਕੀ ਧੋਖ ॥ |
mukaam kar ghar baisanaa nith chalanai kee dhhokh || |
They have made this their resting place and they sit at home, but the urge to depart is always there. |
ਮੁਕਾਮੁ ਤਾ ਪਰੁ ਜਾਣੀਐ ਜਾ ਰਹੈ ਨਿਹਚਲੁ ਲੋਕ ॥੧॥ |
mukaam thaa par jaaneeai jaa rehai nihachal lok ||1|| |
This would be known as a lasting place of rest, only if they were to remain stable and unchanging. ||1|| |
ਦੁਨੀਆ ਕੈਸਿ ਮੁਕਾਮੇ ॥ |
dhuneeaa kais mukaamae || |
What sort of a resting place is this world? |
ਕਰਿ ਸਿਦਕੁ ਕਰਣੀ ਖਰਚੁ ਬਾਧਹੁ ਲਾਗਿ ਰਹੁ ਨਾਮੇ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ |
kar sidhak karanee kharach baadhhahu laag rahu naamae ||1|| rehaao || |
Doing deeds of faith, pack up the supplies for your journey, and remain committed to the Name. ||1||Pause|| |
ਜੋਗੀ ਤ ਆਸਣੁ ਕਰਿ ਬਹੈ ਮੁਲਾ ਬਹੈ ਮੁਕਾਮਿ ॥ |
jogee th aasan kar behai mulaa behai mukaam || |
The Yogis sit in their Yogic postures, and the Mullahs sit at their resting stations. |
ਪੰਡਿਤ ਵਖਾਣਹਿ ਪੋਥੀਆ ਸਿਧ ਬਹਹਿ ਦੇਵ ਸਥਾਨਿ ॥੨॥ |
panddith vakhaanehi pothheeaa sidhh behehi dhaev sathhaan ||2|| |
The Hindu Pandits recite from their books, and the Siddhas sit in the temples of their gods. ||2|| |
ਸੁਰ ਸਿਧ ਗਣ ਗੰਧਰਬ ਮੁਨਿ ਜਨ ਸੇਖ ਪੀਰ ਸਲਾਰ ॥ |
sur sidhh gan gandhharab mun jan saekh peer salaar || |
The angels, Siddhas, worshippers of Shiva, heavenly musicians, silent sages, Saints, priests, preachers, spiritual teachers and commanders |
ਦਰਿ ਕੂਚ ਕੂਚਾ ਕਰਿ ਗਏ ਅਵਰੇ ਭਿ ਚਲਣਹਾਰ ॥੩॥ |
dhar kooch koochaa kar geae avarae bh chalanehaar ||3|| |
-each and every one has left, and all others shall depart as well. ||3|| |
ਸੁਲਤਾਨ ਖਾਨ ਮਲੂਕ ਉਮਰੇ ਗਏ ਕਰਿ ਕਰਿ ਕੂਚੁ ॥ |
sulathaan khaan malook oumarae geae kar kar kooch || |
The sultans and kings, the rich and the mighty, have marched away in succession. |
ਘੜੀ ਮੁਹਤਿ ਕਿ ਚਲਣਾ ਦਿਲ ਸਮਝੁ ਤੂੰ ਭਿ ਪਹੂਚੁ ॥੪॥ |
gharree muhath k chalanaa dhil samajh thoon bh pehooch ||4|| |
In a moment or two, we shall also depart. O my heart, understand that you must go as well! ||4|| |
ਸਬਦਾਹ ਮਾਹਿ ਵਖਾਣੀਐ ਵਿਰਲਾ ਤ ਬੂਝੈ ਕੋਇ ॥ |
sabadhaah maahi vakhaaneeai viralaa th boojhai koe || |
This is described in the Shabads; only a few understand this! |
ਨਾਨਕੁ ਵਖਾਣੈ ਬੇਨਤੀ ਜਲਿ ਥਲਿ ਮਹੀਅਲਿ ਸੋਇ ॥੫॥ |
naanak vakhaanai baenathee jal thhal meheeal soe ||5|| |
Nanak offers this prayer to the One who pervades the water, the land and the air. ||5|| |
ਅਲਾਹੁ ਅਲਖੁ ਅਗੰਮੁ ਕਾਦਰੁ ਕਰਣਹਾਰੁ ਕਰੀਮੁ ॥ |
alaahu alakh aganm kaadhar karanehaar kareem || |
He is Allah, the Unknowable, the Inaccessible, All-powerful and Merciful Creator. |
ਸਭ ਦੁਨੀ ਆਵਣ ਜਾਵਣੀ ਮੁਕਾਮੁ ਏਕੁ ਰਹੀਮੁ ॥੬॥ |
sabh dhunee aavan jaavanee mukaam eaek reheem ||6|| |
All the world comes and goes-only the Merciful Lord is permanent. ||6|| |
ਮੁਕਾਮੁ ਤਿਸ ਨੋ ਆਖੀਐ ਜਿਸੁ ਸਿਸਿ ਨ ਹੋਵੀ ਲੇਖੁ ॥ |
mukaam this no aakheeai jis sis n hovee laekh || |
Call permanent only the One, who does not have destiny inscribed upon His Forehead. |
ਅਸਮਾਨੁ ਧਰਤੀ ਚਲਸੀ ਮੁਕਾਮੁ ਓਹੀ ਏਕੁ ॥੭॥ |
asamaan dhharathee chalasee mukaam ouhee eaek ||7|| |
The sky and the earth shall pass away; He alone is permanent. ||7|| |
ਦਿਨ ਰਵਿ ਚਲੈ ਨਿਸਿ ਸਸਿ ਚਲੈ ਤਾਰਿਕਾ ਲਖ ਪਲੋਇ ॥ |
dhin rav chalai nis sas chalai thaarikaa lakh paloe || |
The day and the sun shall pass away; the night and the moon shall pass away; the hundreds of thousands of stars shall disappear. |
ਮੁਕਾਮੁ ਓਹੀ ਏਕੁ ਹੈ ਨਾਨਕਾ ਸਚੁ ਬੁਗੋਇ ॥੮॥੧੭॥ |
mukaam ouhee eaek hai naanakaa sach bugoe ||8||17|| |
He alone is permanent; Nanak speaks the Truth. ||8||17|| |
ਮਹਲੇ ਪਹਿਲੇ ਸਤਾਰਹ ਅਸਟਪਦੀਆ ॥ |
mehalae pehilae sathaareh asattapadheeaa || |
Seventeen Ashtapadees Of The First Mehl. |
ਸਿਰੀਰਾਗੁ ਮਹਲਾ ੩ ਘਰੁ ੧ ਅਸਟਪਦੀਆ |
sireeraag mehalaa 3 ghar 1 asattapadheeaa |
Siree Raag, Third Mehl, First House, Ashtapadees: |
ੴ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ॥ |
ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh || |
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: |
ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਕ੍ਰਿਪਾ ਕਰੇ ਭਗਤਿ ਕੀਜੈ ਬਿਨੁ ਗੁਰ ਭਗਤਿ ਨ ਹੋਇ ॥ |
guramukh kirapaa karae bhagath keejai bin gur bhagath n hoe || |
By God's Grace, the Gurmukh practices devotion; without the Guru, there is no devotional worship. |
ਆਪੈ ਆਪੁ ਮਿਲਾਏ ਬੂਝੈ ਤਾ ਨਿਰਮਲੁ ਹੋਵੈ ਕੋਇ ॥ |
aapai aap milaaeae boojhai thaa niramal hovai koe || |
One who merges his own self into Him understands, and so becomes pure. |
ਹਰਿ ਜੀਉ ਸਚਾ ਸਚੀ ਬਾਣੀ ਸਬਦਿ ਮਿਲਾਵਾ ਹੋਇ ॥੧॥ |
har jeeo sachaa sachee baanee sabadh milaavaa hoe ||1|| |
The Dear Lord is True, and True is the Word of His Bani. Through the Word of the Shabad, Union with Him is obtained. ||1|| |
ਭਾਈ ਰੇ ਭਗਤਿਹੀਣੁ ਕਾਹੇ ਜਗਿ ਆਇਆ ॥ |
bhaaee rae bhagathiheen kaahae jag aaeiaa || |
O Siblings of Destiny, without devotion, why have people even come into the world? |
ਪੂਰੇ ਗੁਰ ਕੀ ਸੇਵ ਨ ਕੀਨੀ ਬਿਰਥਾ ਜਨਮੁ ਗਵਾਇਆ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ |
poorae gur kee saev n keenee birathhaa janam gavaaeiaa ||1|| rehaao || |
They have not served the Perfect Guru; they have wasted their lives in vain. ||1||Pause|| |
ਆਪੇ ਹਰਿ ਜਗਜੀਵਨੁ ਦਾਤਾ ਆਪੇ ਬਖਸਿ ਮਿਲਾਏ ॥ |
aapae har jagajeevan dhaathaa aapae bakhas milaaeae || |
The Lord Himself, the Life of the World, is the Giver. He Himself forgives, and unites us with Himself. |
ਜੀਅ ਜੰਤ ਏ ਕਿਆ ਵੇਚਾਰੇ ਕਿਆ ਕੋ ਆਖਿ ਸੁਣਾਏ ॥ |
jeea janth eae kiaa vaechaarae kiaa ko aakh sunaaeae || |
What are these poor beings and creatures? What can they speak and say? |
ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਆਪੇ ਦੇ ਵਡਿਆਈ ਆਪੇ ਸੇਵ ਕਰਾਏ ॥੨॥ |
guramukh aapae dhae vaddiaaee aapae saev karaaeae ||2|| |
God Himself grants glory to the Gurmukhs; He joins them to His Service. ||2|| |
ਦੇਖਿ ਕੁਟੰਬੁ ਮੋਹਿ ਲੋਭਾਣਾ ਚਲਦਿਆ ਨਾਲਿ ਨ ਜਾਈ ॥ |
dhaekh kuttanb mohi lobhaanaa chaladhiaa naal n jaaee || |
Beholding your family, you are lured away by emotional attachment, but when you leave, they will not go with you. |