ਪੇਖਨ ਸੁਨਨ ਸੁਨਾਵਨੋ ਮਨ ਮਹਿ ਦ੍ਰਿੜੀਐ ਸਾਚੁ ॥ |
paekhan sunan sunaavano man mehi dhrirreeai saach || |
See, hear, speak and implant the True Lord within your mind. |
ਪੂਰਿ ਰਹਿਓ ਸਰਬਤ੍ਰ ਮੈ ਨਾਨਕ ਹਰਿ ਰੰਗਿ ਰਾਚੁ ॥੨॥ |
poor rehiou sarabathr mai naanak har rang raach ||2|| |
He is all-pervading, permeating everywhere; O Nanak, be absorbed in the Lord's Love. ||2|| |
ਪਉੜੀ ॥ |
pourree || |
Pauree: |
ਹਰਿ ਏਕੁ ਨਿਰੰਜਨੁ ਗਾਈਐ ਸਭ ਅੰਤਰਿ ਸੋਈ ॥ |
har eaek niranjan gaaeeai sabh anthar soee || |
Sing the Praise of the One, the Immaculate Lord; He is contained within all. |
ਕਰਣ ਕਾਰਣ ਸਮਰਥ ਪ੍ਰਭੁ ਜੋ ਕਰੇ ਸੁ ਹੋਈ ॥ |
karan kaaran samarathh prabh jo karae s hoee || |
The Cause of causes, the Almighty Lord God; whatever He wills, comes to pass. |
ਖਿਨ ਮਹਿ ਥਾਪਿ ਉਥਾਪਦਾ ਤਿਸੁ ਬਿਨੁ ਨਹੀ ਕੋਈ ॥ |
khin mehi thhaap outhhaapadhaa this bin nehee koee || |
In an instant, He establishes and disestablishes; without Him, there is no other. |
ਖੰਡ ਬ੍ਰਹਮੰਡ ਪਾਤਾਲ ਦੀਪ ਰਵਿਆ ਸਭ ਲੋਈ ॥ |
khandd brehamandd paathaal dheep raviaa sabh loee || |
He pervades the continents, solar systems, nether worlds, islands and all worlds. |
ਜਿਸੁ ਆਪਿ ਬੁਝਾਏ ਸੋ ਬੁਝਸੀ ਨਿਰਮਲ ਜਨੁ ਸੋਈ ॥੧॥ |
jis aap bujhaaeae so bujhasee niramal jan soee ||1|| |
He alone understands, whom the Lord Himself instructs; he alone is a pure and unstained being. ||1|| |
ਸਲੋਕ ॥ |
salok || |
Shalok: |
ਰਚੰਤਿ ਜੀਅ ਰਚਨਾ ਮਾਤ ਗਰਭ ਅਸਥਾਪਨੰ ॥ |
rachanth jeea rachanaa maath garabh asathhaapanan || |
Creating the soul, the Lord places this creation in the womb of the mother. |
ਸਾਸਿ ਸਾਸਿ ਸਿਮਰੰਤਿ ਨਾਨਕ ਮਹਾ ਅਗਨਿ ਨ ਬਿਨਾਸਨੰ ॥੧॥ |
saas saas simaranth naanak mehaa agan n binaasanan ||1|| |
With each and every breath, it meditates in remembrance on the Lord, O Nanak; it is not consumed by the great fire. ||1|| |
ਮੁਖੁ ਤਲੈ ਪੈਰ ਉਪਰੇ ਵਸੰਦੋ ਕੁਹਥੜੈ ਥਾਇ ॥ |
mukh thalai pair ouparae vasandho kuhathharrai thhaae || |
With its head down, and feet up, it dwells in that slimy place. |
ਨਾਨਕ ਸੋ ਧਣੀ ਕਿਉ ਵਿਸਾਰਿਓ ਉਧਰਹਿ ਜਿਸ ਦੈ ਨਾਇ ॥੨॥ |
naanak so dhhanee kio visaariou oudhharehi jis dhai naae ||2|| |
O Nanak, how could we forget the Master? Through His Name, we are saved. ||2|| |
ਪਉੜੀ ॥ |
pourree || |
Pauree: |
ਰਕਤੁ ਬਿੰਦੁ ਕਰਿ ਨਿੰਮਿਆ ਅਗਨਿ ਉਦਰ ਮਝਾਰਿ ॥ |
rakath bindh kar ninmiaa agan oudhar majhaar || |
From egg and sperm, you were conceived, and placed in the fire of the womb. |
ਉਰਧ ਮੁਖੁ ਕੁਚੀਲ ਬਿਕਲੁ ਨਰਕਿ ਘੋਰਿ ਗੁਬਾਰਿ ॥ |
ouradhh mukh kucheel bikal narak ghor gubaar || |
Head downwards, you abided restlessly in that dark, dismal, terrible hell. |
ਹਰਿ ਸਿਮਰਤ ਤੂ ਨਾ ਜਲਹਿ ਮਨਿ ਤਨਿ ਉਰ ਧਾਰਿ ॥ |
har simarath thoo naa jalehi man than our dhhaar || |
Remembering the Lord in meditation, you were not burnt; enshrine Him in your heart, mind and body. |
ਬਿਖਮ ਥਾਨਹੁ ਜਿਨਿ ਰਖਿਆ ਤਿਸੁ ਤਿਲੁ ਨ ਵਿਸਾਰਿ ॥ |
bikham thhaanahu jin rakhiaa this thil n visaar || |
In that treacherous place, He protected and preserved you; do not forget Him, even for an instant. |
ਪ੍ਰਭ ਬਿਸਰਤ ਸੁਖੁ ਕਦੇ ਨਾਹਿ ਜਾਸਹਿ ਜਨਮੁ ਹਾਰਿ ॥੨॥ |
prabh bisarath sukh kadhae naahi jaasehi janam haar ||2|| |
Forgetting God, you shall never find peace; you shall forfeit your life, and depart. ||2|| |
ਸਲੋਕ ॥ |
salok || |
Shalok: |
ਮਨ ਇਛਾ ਦਾਨ ਕਰਣੰ ਸਰਬਤ੍ਰ ਆਸਾ ਪੂਰਨਹ ॥ |
man eishhaa dhaan karanan sarabathr aasaa pooraneh || |
He grants our hearts' desires, and fulfills all our hopes. |
ਖੰਡਣੰ ਕਲਿ ਕਲੇਸਹ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਸਿਮਰਿ ਨਾਨਕ ਨਹ ਦੂਰਣਹ ॥੧॥ |
khanddanan kal kalaeseh prabh simar naanak neh dhooraneh ||1|| |
He destroys pain and suffering; remember God in meditation, O Nanak - He is not far away. ||1|| |
ਹਭਿ ਰੰਗ ਮਾਣਹਿ ਜਿਸੁ ਸੰਗਿ ਤੈ ਸਿਉ ਲਾਈਐ ਨੇਹੁ ॥ |
habh rang maanehi jis sang thai sio laaeeai naehu || |
Love Him, with whom you enjoy all pleasures. |
ਸੋ ਸਹੁ ਬਿੰਦ ਨ ਵਿਸਰਉ ਨਾਨਕ ਜਿਨਿ ਸੁੰਦਰੁ ਰਚਿਆ ਦੇਹੁ ॥੨॥ |
so sahu bindh n visaro naanak jin sundhar rachiaa dhaehu ||2|| |
Do not forget that Lord, even for an instant; O Nanak, He fashioned this beautiful body. ||2|| |
ਪਉੜੀ ॥ |
pourree || |
Pauree: |
ਜੀਉ ਪ੍ਰਾਨ ਤਨੁ ਧਨੁ ਦੀਆ ਦੀਨੇ ਰਸ ਭੋਗ ॥ |
jeeo praan than dhhan dheeaa dheenae ras bhog || |
He gave you your soul, breath of life, body and wealth; He gave you pleasures to enjoy. |
ਗ੍ਰਿਹ ਮੰਦਰ ਰਥ ਅਸੁ ਦੀਏ ਰਚਿ ਭਲੇ ਸੰਜੋਗ ॥ |
grih mandhar rathh as dheeeae rach bhalae sanjog || |
He gave you households, mansions, chariots and horses; He ordained your good destiny. |
ਸੁਤ ਬਨਿਤਾ ਸਾਜਨ ਸੇਵਕ ਦੀਏ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਦੇਵਨ ਜੋਗ ॥ |
suth banithaa saajan saevak dheeeae prabh dhaevan jog || |
He gave you your children, spouse, friends and servants; God is the all-powerful Great Giver. |
ਹਰਿ ਸਿਮਰਤ ਤਨੁ ਮਨੁ ਹਰਿਆ ਲਹਿ ਜਾਹਿ ਵਿਜੋਗ ॥ |
har simarath than man hariaa lehi jaahi vijog || |
Meditating in remembrance on the Lord, the body and mind are rejuvenated, and sorrow departs. |
ਸਾਧਸੰਗਿ ਹਰਿ ਗੁਣ ਰਮਹੁ ਬਿਨਸੇ ਸਭਿ ਰੋਗ ॥੩॥ |
saadhhasang har gun ramahu binasae sabh rog ||3|| |
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, chant the Praises of the Lord, and all your sickness shall vanish. ||3|| |
ਸਲੋਕ ॥ |
salok || |
Shalok: |
ਕੁਟੰਬ ਜਤਨ ਕਰਣੰ ਮਾਇਆ ਅਨੇਕ ਉਦਮਹ ॥ |
kuttanb jathan karanan maaeiaa anaek oudhameh || |
For his family, he works very hard; for the sake of Maya, he makes countless efforts. |
ਹਰਿ ਭਗਤਿ ਭਾਵ ਹੀਣੰ ਨਾਨਕ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਬਿਸਰਤ ਤੇ ਪ੍ਰੇਤਤਹ ॥੧॥ |
har bhagath bhaav heenan naanak prabh bisarath thae praethatheh ||1|| |
But without loving devotional worship of the Lord, O Nanak, he forgets God, and then, he is a mere ghost. ||1|| |
ਤੁਟੜੀਆ ਸਾ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਿ ਜੋ ਲਾਈ ਬਿਅੰਨ ਸਿਉ ॥ |
thuttarreeaa saa preeth jo laaee biann sio || |
That love shall break, which is established with any other than the Lord. |
ਨਾਨਕ ਸਚੀ ਰੀਤਿ ਸਾਂਈ ਸੇਤੀ ਰਤਿਆ ॥੨॥ |
naanak sachee reeth saanee saethee rathiaa ||2|| |
O Nanak, that way of life is true, which inspires love of the Lord. ||2|| |
ਪਉੜੀ ॥ |
pourree || |
Pauree: |
ਜਿਸੁ ਬਿਸਰਤ ਤਨੁ ਭਸਮ ਹੋਇ ਕਹਤੇ ਸਭਿ ਪ੍ਰੇਤੁ ॥ |
jis bisarath than bhasam hoe kehathae sabh praeth || |
Forgetting Him, one's body turns to dust, and everyone calls him a ghost. |
ਖਿਨੁ ਗ੍ਰਿਹ ਮਹਿ ਬਸਨ ਨ ਦੇਵਹੀ ਜਿਨ ਸਿਉ ਸੋਈ ਹੇਤੁ ॥ |
khin grih mehi basan n dhaevehee jin sio soee haeth || |
And those, with whom he was so much in love - they do not let him stay in their home, even for an instant. |
ਕਰਿ ਅਨਰਥ ਦਰਬੁ ਸੰਚਿਆ ਸੋ ਕਾਰਜਿ ਕੇਤੁ ॥ |
kar anarathh dharab sanchiaa so kaaraj kaeth || |
Practicing exploitation, he gathers wealth, but what use will it be in the end? |
ਜੈਸਾ ਬੀਜੈ ਸੋ ਲੁਣੈ ਕਰਮ ਇਹੁ ਖੇਤੁ ॥ |
jaisaa beejai so lunai karam eihu khaeth || |
As one plants, so does he harvest; the body is the field of actions. |
ਅਕਿਰਤਘਣਾ ਹਰਿ ਵਿਸਰਿਆ ਜੋਨੀ ਭਰਮੇਤੁ ॥੪॥ |
akirathaghanaa har visariaa jonee bharamaeth ||4|| |
The ungrateful wretches forget the Lord, and wander in reincarnation. ||4|| |
ਸਲੋਕ ॥ |
salok || |
Shalok: |
ਕੋਟਿ ਦਾਨ ਇਸਨਾਨੰ ਅਨਿਕ ਸੋਧਨ ਪਵਿਤ੍ਰਤਹ ॥ |
kott dhaan eisanaanan anik sodhhan pavithratheh || |
The benefits of millions of charitable donations and cleansing baths, and countless ceremonies of purification and piety, |
ਉਚਰੰਤਿ ਨਾਨਕ ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਰਸਨਾ ਸਰਬ ਪਾਪ ਬਿਮੁਚਤੇ ॥੧॥ |
oucharanth naanak har har rasanaa sarab paap bimuchathae ||1|| |
O Nanak, are obtained by chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har with one's tongue; all sins are washed away. ||1|| |
ਈਧਣੁ ਕੀਤੋਮੂ ਘਣਾ ਭੋਰੀ ਦਿਤੀਮੁ ਭਾਹਿ ॥ |
eedhhan keethomoo ghanaa bhoree dhitheem bhaahi || |
I gathered together a great stack of firewood, and applied a tiny flame to light it. |